
  • My feature from the TRI 2 PBL project is the STATS feature on ETRACKER As I display above:
    • It is a feature that tracks the max stats of a user.
    • It has a full stack which connects a front end fastpages site and backend flask site.
  • This already meets the collegeboard requirements for a 6/6 CPT project
    • Here is the Writeup that displays this and has a video of it working.

Issue I will fix: Plagiarism

  • Though my project meets all the requirements, the issue I have is that my project contains a lot of code that is not mine, so I need to clean it up so that I only submit my code.

Steps to finalizing the submission

Redeploy the Flask

  • Since we could not keep the group flask running forever, I will either need to make my own new flask and deploy it like we did last tri or use an existing one.
  • This flask will be where my backend code is stored and fetched.

Personalize Frontend

  • First I will need to update my project so that none of the frontend is similar to others. This will include:
    • Personalizing menus/removing it entirely
    • Changing the color scheme so that my SASS and CSS code will not match someone elses or another github theme

Apply Credit

  • I will need to update my README.md so that I give credit to Mr. Mort and the nighthawkcodingsociety so that I am not flagged for violating the licensing policies that mort instated.
  • I will probably end up making a new readme.md from scratch

Wipe Unceccesary Code

  • Finally, I will have to remove all the files and code that do not contribute to my feature and my feature alone
  • I will keep essential files such as the main.py, model, api, README and fetch codes
  • Besides those I will have to completely wipe everything else so that the whole project is strictly mine.