Sample 3 Grade:

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • Demonstrates an input, output, and program functionality
  • [] Written Response describes the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the program
  • [] Point?

Row 2: Data Abstraction

  • [] Includes two program segments: 1. that shows how data has been stored in a list. 2. that shows the data in the same list used to fulfill the program purpose
  • Identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used
  • [] Describes what data in the list is representing the program
  • [] Point?

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • [] Includes a code segment that shows a list that manages the complexity of the program
  • [] Explains how this list manages the complexity and explains why the program would work differently or not at all without this list.
  • [] Point?

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • Includes two program code segments: 1. showing a student developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the procedure. 2. one shows where the procedure is being called
  • Describes what this procedure does and how it contributes to the functionality of the program
  • Point?

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • [] Includes a program code segment of an algorithm that has sequencing, iteration, and selection
  • [] explains in detail how the algorithm works, with enough detail that someone could recreate it.
  • [] Point?

Row 6: Testing

  • Describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3.c Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.
  • Describes the conditions tested by each call to the procedure
  • Identifies the result of each call
  • Point?
Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 0 Did not describe the functionality or input/output of the program
Data Abstraction 0 0 The code segments for the lists do not fulfull the programs purpose
Managing Complexity 0 0 There is no code segment that manages the complexity of the program
Procedural Abstraction 1 0 There are two scode segmetns and they desciribe the procedure and its contribution to the programs functionality
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 No explaination about the algorithm steps
Testing 1 1 Gave conditions and results from two calls.

My Score: 2/6

College Board Score: 1/6

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

  • I was correct for the most part as compared to collegeboard, however for procedural extraction, I thought their explaination was good enough, but it really did not meet the actual requirements that collegeboard was looking for

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard

  • This project failed to meet basically all of the standards, as it seemed like they were just coding whatever they wanted rather than following collegeboards requirements. Their explainations were also bad.

Sample 4 Grade:

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • Demonstrates an input, output, and program functionality
  • Written Response describes the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the program
  • Point?

Row 2: Data Abstraction

  • Includes two program segments: 1. that shows how data has been stored in a list. 2. that shows the data in the same list used to fulfill the program purpose
  • Identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used
  • Describes what data in the list is representing the program
  • Point?

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • Includes a code segment that shows a list that manages the complexity of the program
  • Explains how this list manages the complexity and explains why the program would work differently or not at all without this list.
  • Point?

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • Includes two program code segments: 1. showing a student developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the procedure. 2. one shows where the procedure is being called
  • Describes what this procedure does and how it contributes to the functionality of the program
  • Point?

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • Includes a program code segment of an algorithm that has sequencing, iteration, and selection
  • explains in detail how the algorithm works, with enough detail that someone could recreate it.
  • Point?

Row 6: Testing

  • Describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3.c Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.
  • Describes the conditions tested by each call to the procedure
  • Identifies the result of each call
  • Point?
Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Describes the purpose of the function
Data Abstraction 1 1 Code shown with all named lists and describes data in each list
Managing Complexity 1 1 Describes and manages complexity very thoroughly
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Describes the procedure and its functionality
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Very detaield explaination
Testing     Gives multiple scenariaos and tells about the tested conditons. Also results two different calls

My Score: 6/6

College Board Score: 6/6

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

  • I graded exactly like collegeboard did, this person made it very easy. Clearly met all of the requiremnts.

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard

  • This submissionw was fantastic, to collegeboards standards, however I know we can do much better with our projects.

Sample 5 Grade:

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • Demonstrates an input, output, and program functionality
  • Written Response describes the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the program
  • Point?

Row 2: Data Abstraction

  • Includes two program segments: 1. that shows how data has been stored in a list. 2. that shows the data in the same list used to fulfill the program purpose
  • Identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used
  • Describes what data in the list is representing the program
  • Point?

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • Includes a code segment that shows a list that manages the complexity of the program
  • Explains how this list manages the complexity and explains why the program would work differently or not at all without this list.
  • Point?

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • Includes two program code segments: 1. showing a student developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the procedure. 2. one shows where the procedure is being called
  • Describes what this procedure does and how it contributes to the functionality of the program
  • Point?

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • Includes a program code segment of an algorithm that has sequencing, iteration, and selection
  • explains in detail how the algorithm works, with enough detail that someone could recreate it.
  • Point?

Row 6: Testing

  • Describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3.c Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.
  • Describes the conditions tested by each call to the procedure
  • Identifies the result of each call
  • Point?
Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Explains the overall purpose and input/output
Data Abstraction 1 1 Code is shown with fully named lists and describes the data in them
Managing Complexity 1 1 Describes how their list manages complexity and talks about why the function couldnt work without it
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Identidied a procedure and how it contributed to the functionality of the program with 2 code segments.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Explained the function of the algorithm
Testing 1 1 Gives two scenerios and tells about the tested condition, also describes the results of two calls that are different

My Score: 6/6

College Board Score: 6/6

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

  • Like the last one, I graded this one just as college board did because they made life very easy for us. They clearly met every college board requirement.

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard

  • This submission clearly met every requirement, but like the last one, it would certainly not meet Mr. Morts expectations.

Sample 6 Grade:

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • Demonstrates an input, output, and program functionality
  • Written Response describes the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the program
  • Point?

Row 2: Data Abstraction

  • [] Includes two program segments: 1. that shows how data has been stored in a list. 2. that shows the data in the same list used to fulfill the program purpose
  • Identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used
  • Describes what data in the list is representing the program
  • [] Point?

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • [] Includes a code segment that shows a list that manages the complexity of the program
  • Explains how this list manages the complexity and explains why the program would work differently or not at all without this list.
  • [] Point?

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • Includes two program code segments: 1. showing a student developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the procedure. 2. one shows where the procedure is being called
  • Describes what this procedure does and how it contributes to the functionality of the program
  • Point?

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • Includes a program code segment of an algorithm that has sequencing, iteration, and selection
  • explains in detail how the algorithm works, with enough detail that someone could recreate it.
  • Point?

Row 6: Testing

  • Describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3.c Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.
  • Describes the conditions tested by each call to the procedure
  • Identifies the result of each call
  • Point?
Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Describes the purpose and functionality of the program and inputs/outputs
Data Abstraction 1 0 Names all the lists and describes the data in them.
Managing Complexity 0 0 Does not manage the complecxity of the program
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Describes the procedure and how it contributes to the functionality, two code segments
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Great explaination of the code
Testing 1 0 Gave two different scenerios and tells about the conditions being tested with two calls, results are different.

My Score: 5/6

College Board Score: 3/6

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

  • This example was not as perfect as the previous two in terms of college board requiremnts. For data abstraction, the second code segment did not actually access the lsit itself. For Testing the arguments were not specific enough apparently.

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard

  • This submission needs to pay more attention to detail when it comes to college board requiremnts. They were clearly aware of every requiremnt, but they had small details that messed them up and brought them down to a 3/6


What my program will need to fill the requirements?

  • Fulfilling all the college board requirements seems easy enough, since Mr. Mort has held us to an extremely high standard this whole school year, so I ddefinately understand all the requirements of this project and how I can exceed them even further.

How this will help me meet the college board requirements on my own project

  • Completing this assignment gave me a very good runthrough of how the performance task should look like, and I will definitely come back to this post for reference in the near furure when I am working on my own create performance task.