1.3 Video Notes

Video 1.3.1:

  • Computer programs are developed with a systematic approach to meet design elements.
    • starts with an idea
    • follow specific steps and stick to a plan
  • Dev Process can be orderd and intentional or exploratory. Phases of the dev process include:
    • investigating/reflecting
    • designing
    • prototyping
    • testing
  • Developers must determine the program requirements and constraints
  • revisiting earleier phases of the process allows refinemnt and revision based on feedback and testing
  • Break down your problem/coding process into numerous pieces and make sure each piece works before combining the program as a whole.
  • investigation is usefull to identify the program constraints and concerns for the user.
    • Collecting data with survey
    • user testing
    • interviews
    • Direct Observations
  • Program requirements describe user interactions and program functions
    • include user interactions and create an outline of them
  • Design phase of development outlines how they will accomplish a given program goal/specification
    • brainstorming
    • planning and storyboarding
    • organizing the program into modules and functional components
    • creation of diagrams that represent the layouts of the user interface
    • dev of a testing strategy for the program.

Video 1.3.2:

  • Programs are developed by groups of people and are expanded upon by individuals.
    • Rarely developed solely by a single individual. (teams are more common)
    • Individuals work on a specific component of the program or code segment.
      • Each member of a team should recieve credit in the documentation of the program
  • Always acknowledge when you are using a code segment from an outside source.
    • Do this by writing the original authors name in the program documentation.
    • Some languages have the ability to leave a comment within the code, to give credit.
      • comments make it easy to find out who is responcible to fix a specific problem
      • After the program is completed, you can find additional bugs.
  • Sometimes developers use code segments, procedures, algorithms that were written by others.
    • Even if they are not part of the project, they deserve credit, because it is considered intellectual property.
    • Documentation of contributers resembles a works cited list.

Video 1.3.3:

  • Programs use comments and documentation to explain the purpose of their programs to themselves and others
  • Program documentation is a written description of a function of a code segment, event, procedure, or program and how it was developed.
    • Describe the overall program specifications, its developemnt, how other programs interact with yours, and the contributors.
  • You Should document your program throughout the developement
    • At the beginning, list specifications
    • During, keep track of your progress
    • After, explain the overall process
  • Documentation helps maintain correct programs, so you can easily review what you or collaborators did.
    • Improves efficiency, and ability to test and refine your program.
  • If there is no comment feature in the language, you have to get creative
    • Comments allow programmers to write text within the program, does not affect the program.
    • Python: # is a comment
    • Java: // is a single line comment, /* is multiple line, /** documentation comments
    • Javascript, C++, Swift use the same as java
    • HTML and XML use <!””!>

Completed Program Design and Development Video Quiz: