1.1 Video Notes

Video 1.1.1: Collaboration in General

  • Collaborating promotes computing inovation because everyone is integrating their ideas to improve the program.
  • Can be physical, n=computing software, and nonphysical computing concepts such as e-commerce.
  • Two great ideas can make great programs, but collaborating both ideas can make one amazing program
  • You learn interpersonal skills such as communication, consensus building, conflict resolution, and negotiation, that can support you in any field.

Video 1.1.2: Collaboration in APCSP

  • Pair programming: Driver writes program code while the other (navigator) reviews each line of code to fix errors and typos.
  • Think Pair Share: Think alone, pair with a partner to share, and share with the class.
  • Leave comments on others code helps commuicating with yourself and your partners
  • Always acknowledge media and other sources used in your code
  • Always clarify the functionality of your code and differentiate what you and your partner completed.
  • repl.it- multiplayer online tool.
  • Nice to share docs and folders with your partners
  • Ask partners to test drive your program to find issues/problems.

Completed Collaboration Video Quiz:

Problem I got incorrect:

  • In problem 3, I believed that users would be able to comment on the code after discovering errors, but apperently they are unlikely to have expertise in your code, so they will just provide feedback to give a variety of perspectives to the coding process of your program.


  • My group is made of no former friends, though most of us have similar interests.
  • My group has many diverse backgrounds: I am Israeli, Male, and 11th grade. Annika Is a Taiwanese Sophomore Girl, Haeryn is a Korean Sophomore, Sophia is a Chinese Sophomore.
  • We all have different skill sets that will promote our programming success.