Our Project: Scheduler

  • This is a picture of my groupmates, Alan and Steven, setting up the presentation of our program
  • As you can see we dressed up for the occasion and we had a lot of fun presenting our Calendar/Weather website to our peers and adults.
  • I especially enjoyed my presentation to Mr. Yeung with a multitude of Taylor Swift references and stuff

Computer Science Projects


  • The first CS project I visited was from MORT Period 4 CSP.
  • They created Striver, a program that acts as a social media website for thoughts and quotes.
    • The api they created randomly generated an inspirational quote that you could like and comment on.
  • As you can see from the image, I added my own post to their “forum”

Stock Prices

  • The other CSP project I visited was made by another group from MORT P4.
  • Their program tracks the stocks of a few major companies such as GOOGLE, APPLE, and Tesla, which is also the data from their API.

  • You can see this images tracks the stock price of a GOOGL stock price.

Arts Projects

Graphic Design

  • The first art project I visited was from a Graphic Design class.
  • After strolling around the graphic design area, this was the piece that caught my eye the most.
  • I love the way that it contrasts the light and dark setups.


  • The next project I visited was in the art section where I saw this beautifully painted artpiece.
  • The Dark colors are what originally caught my eye, but after a few seconds of analyzing I could tell that the artists intentions behind the piece were most likely to spread awarness of global warming.
  • This is a really cool way to merge your personal beliefs with art.


  • Next I found myself in the ceramics section, where there were plenty of well made pieces.
  • This plate is the piece I liked the most because they got the San Diego Padres Logo and colors perfectly.
  • Additionally the pumpkin was made perfectly and was extremely detailed.

Digital Media Production

  • Finally, I concluded night at the museum by watching this individual’s PSA, where he talked about Food Waste.
  • He had many very interesting facts about the harm that Food Waste is bringing on our world, and made a very lasting impact on his listener to prevent themselves from wasting food.

Overall Thoughts

  • I had a very good time at N@TM as I got to see all my friends and compare the projects that we have been working on all trimester.
  • Seeing all the different classes and perspectives of art was very fun, and I overall had a very good time at my first night at the museum.