hi this is a test for my recording

App Lab Quiz Outline

Topic Decision: Football

Page # Question? and image Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
1 Home Page Title: Football Quiz Displays image of American Football Displays “By: Liav Bar” Area 51 theme
2 This is which NFL Teams Logo? and Image of Steelers Logo Green Bay Packers Baltimore Ravens Pittsburg Steelers Detriot Lions
3 Which of these is the Atlanta Falcons Logo? Patriots Logo Falcons Logo Eagles Logo Seahawks Logo
4 How Many Super Bowls have the LA Chargers Won? 1 2 5 4
5 Total Score Displays the total score they recieved on the quiz NfL Logo “Thanks For Playing!” -
  • I want the quiz to somehow display that the user got a question correct/incorrect
  • Answer choices to be images and not just words

Pre-Coding Thoughts and Ideas

What I am Confident in:

  • Writing the question
  • displaying the answer choices
  • Changing the background

What I am not Confident that I can do (yet):

  • Displaying if they got the question Incorrect or Correct
  • Embeding an image as an answer choice

Thoughts I Have While Coding

  • How do I make an image a button as the answer choice? (EDIT) Name the image and use “onEvent” command to make “image name” on “click” set screen __.
  • How can I display that the user got a question correct/incorrect? (EDIT) I originally wanted the “Correct” or “Incorrect” to show on the same page where the question was asked, but I resorted to changing to a “wrong” or “right” answer screen upon the click of a wrong or right answer.

Post Coding Thoughts


  • Images as answer choices
  • Making a nice background
  • Quiz displays if the user got an answer right/wrong
  • Intuitive/easy to use quiz
  • Was able to include every question I wanted.


  • II originally wanted the “Correct” or “Incorrect” to show on the same page where the question was asked, but I was not able to figure out how to do this.

What I learned

  • I became familiar with how to use the block coding, while learning the basics of Java.

Final Quiz

Football Quiz Link