Computer Science Projects

Our Project: Etracker

  • Me, Noor, Steven, Nathan, and Ederick happily presented our functioning fitness site along with our new and improved front end home page.
  • We included a workout calendar, exersize tracker, goal setter, forum, and Stats page that all utilize full stack to save data from the frontend into a backend database.
  • We got a few great tips from several industry professionals (as well as Mr. Mortensen) on how we can improve our project, which is why I believe this night was so beneficial for our team.

TripleAJ Arcade by Azeem, Akshat, Josh, and Ahad

  • This project was very nice. The front end was spectacular and I really like the idea they had
  • They created an Arcade with a login system to track tokens, as well as 4 games: Pong, Snake, Reaction Time, Hi-Lo and a leaderboard system.
  • The Arcade works very well and I think they did a fantastic job on their project.

Arts Projects

Graphic Design

  • The first art project I visited was from a Graphic Design class.
  • After strolling around the graphic design area, this was the piece that caught my eye the most.
  • I love the way that it contrasts the light and dark setups.


  • The next project I visited was in the art section where I saw this beautifully painted artpiece.
  • The Dark colors are what originally caught my eye, but after a few seconds of analyzing I could tell that the artists intentions behind the piece were most likely to spread awarness of global warming.
  • This is a really cool way to merge your personal beliefs with art.


  • Next I found myself in the ceramics section, where there were plenty of well made pieces.
  • This plate is the piece I liked the most because they got the San Diego Padres Logo and colors perfectly.
  • Additionally the pumpkin was made perfectly and was extremely detailed.

Digital Media Production

  • Finally, I concluded night at the museum by watching this individual’s PSA, where he talked about Food Waste.
  • He had many very interesting facts about the harm that Food Waste is bringing on our world, and made a very lasting impact on his listener to prevent themselves from wasting food.

Overall Thoughts

  • I had a very good time at N@TM as I got to see all my friends and compare the projects that we have been working on all trimester.
  • It was also a very great opportunity to meet and present to a few industry proffessionals who made very constructive comments on how we can improve the project.
  • I think N@TM is a great way for us to display our hard work from the past few weeks to all of our peers and parents, as it also gave the opportunity for collaboration and tips from other.
  • Seeing all the different classes and perspectives of art was very fun, and I overall had a very good time at my first night at the museum.