Sample 7

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • Demonstrates an input, output, and program functionality
  • Written Response describes the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the program
  • Point?

Row 2: Data Abstraction

  • Includes two program segments: 1. that shows how data has been stored in a list. 2. that shows the data in the same list used to fulfill the program purpose
  • Identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used
  • [] Describes what data in the list is representing the program
  • [] Point?

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • Includes a code segment that shows a list that manages the complexity of the program
  • Explains how this list manages the complexity and explains why the program would work differently or not at all without this list.
  • Point?

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • Includes two program code segments: 1. showing a student developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the procedure. 2. one shows where the procedure is being called
  • [] Describes what this procedure does and how it contributes to the functionality of the program
  • [] Point?

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • Includes a program code segment of an algorithm that has sequencing, iteration, and selection
  • explains in detail how the algorithm works, with enough detail that someone could recreate it.
  • Point?

Row 6: Testing

  • Describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3.c Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.
  • Describes the conditions tested by each call to the procedure
  • Identifies the result of each call
  • Point?
Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Has inputs and outputs with a functional program and explains them well
Data Abstraction 0 0 Has two lists with code segments, but does not explain how they contribute to the program
Managing Complexity 1 0 Has a List and describes it
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 Has a great function with a great procedure and describes its functionality well, but not how it contributes to the complexity of the program
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Has a loop witht the iteration, selection, and explains them well
Testing 1 1 Describes all the conditions that are tested and the results of each one along with all the calls.

My Score: 4/6

College Board Score: 3/6

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

  • The only discrepency I had was in managing complexity. I was fooled by their list and explaination, but it turns out that the list didnt actually manage the complexity of the program.

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard

  • This submission isnt the worst one ive ever seen, but it was still pretty bad because it didn’t hit specific details. For the ones it missed, they attempted everyhting but just missed one specific detail such as desrcibing the functionality or the parameters that lost them the whole point.

Sample 8

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • Demonstrates an input, output, and program functionality
  • Written Response describes the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the program
  • Point?

Row 2: Data Abstraction

  • Includes two program segments: 1. that shows how data has been stored in a list. 2. that shows the data in the same list used to fulfill the program purpose
  • Identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used
  • Describes what data in the list is representing the program
  • Point?

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • Includes a code segment that shows a list that manages the complexity of the program
  • Explains how this list manages the complexity and explains why the program would work differently or not at all without this list.
  • Point?

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • Includes two program code segments: 1. showing a student developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the procedure. 2. one shows where the procedure is being called
  • Describes what this procedure does and how it contributes to the functionality of the program
  • Point?

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • Includes a program code segment of an algorithm that has sequencing, iteration, and selection
  • explains in detail how the algorithm works, with enough detail that someone could recreate it.
  • Point?

Row 6: Testing

  • Describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3.c Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.
  • Describes the conditions tested by each call to the procedure
  • Identifies the result of each call
  • Point?
Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Describes the purpose of their function very well with inputs and outputs
Data Abstraction 1 1 Shows the list and calling it within a procedure
Managing Complexity 1 1 Has a great explaination on how their list makes their program better and alternative wats that could have been less/more complex and efficient
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Displays many parameters and how they work and how they contribute to the overall program
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Uses selction, iteration, and sequencing and explains them very nicely
Testing 1 1 Describes the conditions adn results of each test well

My Score: 6/6

College Board Score: 6/6

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

  • This student made both mine and college boards jobs very easy, this was absolutely perfect according to collegeboards standards.

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard

  • This one met all the standards because of their beautiful explainations.

Sample 9

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • Demonstrates an input, output, and program functionality
  • Written Response describes the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the program
  • Point?

Row 2: Data Abstraction

  • [] Includes two program segments: 1. that shows how data has been stored in a list. 2. that shows the data in the same list used to fulfill the program purpose
  • Identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used
  • [] Describes what data in the list is representing the program
  • [] Point?

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • [] Includes a code segment that shows a list that manages the complexity of the program
  • [] Explains how this list manages the complexity and explains why the program would work differently or not at all without this list.
  • [] Point?

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • Includes two program code segments: 1. showing a student developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the procedure. 2. one shows where the procedure is being called
  • [] Describes what this procedure does and how it contributes to the functionality of the program
  • [] Point?

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • Includes a program code segment of an algorithm that has sequencing, iteration, and selection
  • [] explains in detail how the algorithm works, with enough detail that someone could recreate it.
  • [] Point?

Row 6: Testing

  • [] Describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3.c Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.
  • Describes the conditions tested by each call to the procedure
  • [] Identifies the result of each call
  • [] Point?
Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Has inputs and outputs with a functional program, however and explains them well
Data Abstraction 0 0 Has two lists with code segments, but does not explain how they contribute to the program
Managing Complexity 0 0 There were no code segments to show how they manage complexity
Procedural Abstraction 1 0 Has a function with a parameter and explains it.
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 Has a loop witht the iteration, selection, and sequencing requirements but does not explain it well.
Testing 0 0 The calls have no parameters stated, specify the calls of anything, and doesnt even describe any of them just what is going on.\

My Score: 1/6

College Board Score: 1/6

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

  • On this one I managed to have no discrepencies with collegeboard. I think this is because I have done so many at this point, I know what the good and bad requirements look like.

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard

  • This submission was missing a whole lot, it had most of the actual coding however the explainations were far below standards which is definately why they got a 1/6 in real life.

**Sample 10 **

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • Demonstrates an input, output, and program functionality
  • Written Response describes the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the program
  • Point?

Row 2: Data Abstraction

  • Includes two program segments: 1. that shows how data has been stored in a list. 2. that shows the data in the same list used to fulfill the program purpose
  • Identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used
  • Describes what data in the list is representing the program
  • Point?

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • Includes a code segment that shows a list that manages the complexity of the program
  • Explains how this list manages the complexity and explains why the program would work differently or not at all without this list.
  • Point?

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • Includes two program code segments: 1. showing a student developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the procedure. 2. one shows where the procedure is being called
  • Describes what this procedure does and how it contributes to the functionality of the program
  • Point?

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • Includes a program code segment of an algorithm that has sequencing, iteration, and selection
  • explains in detail how the algorithm works, with enough detail that someone could recreate it.
  • Point?

Row 6: Testing

  • [] Describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3.c Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.
  • [] Describes the conditions tested by each call to the procedure
  • [] Identifies the result of each call
  • [] Point?
Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 demonstrates a good running program and explains the purpose of theg game and the inputs/outputs
Data Abstraction 1 1 Definately shows data being stored ina list and identifies the name
Managing Complexity 1 1 Uses a list to manage complexity and describes how
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Developed a good procedure and descibes it well.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Includes parameters with sequencing, lists, iteration with if/else and for loops and describes all of them.
Testing 0 0 Did not describe any of the calls and did not ue any arguments that use paramters.

My Score: 5/6

College Board Score: 5/6

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

  • This one was very easy to grade because it had everything perfectly until the Testing requiremnt where they did it so poorly that it was easy to take away that point.

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard

  • For the testing category I feel that that barely even looked at the requirements and described none of the calls, and just the code themselves which is obviously not what college board asked to. Overall a great project but it could have been perfect if they paid more attention to the last requirement.

Overall Reflection:

  • Overall, these college board scoring assingments were extremely beneficial in teaching me how to get a great score on my own CPT project. Prior to these assignemtns, I barely knew what one of these projects were supposed to look like, but now I have a great perspective and many ideas of what I can do to make my one. This assigment especially taught me all the ways to meet colllegeboards requirements, such as the extreme detail that is needed in explainations of certain things like functionality vs contribution to program. Additionally paying close details to the requirements is going to be extremely important, because one small slip up will lose an entire point. FInally, comparing the best and the worst projects really gave me a perspective on how I am going to do my own project and how I will be going above and beyond in order to ensure the perfection of my own CPT.