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Sample 1

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 0 No, does not explain the functionality of the program.
Data Abstraction 1 1 Explains the list of data and the list being used and meets all the requirements.
Managing Complexity 1 0 Manages the complexity of the program with a code segment and explains it. EDIT AFTER: did not explain how it manages the complexity of the program, just what it does.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Has two code segments with a parameter and calls a procedure with good explaination
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Has good code segments with algorithms with sequencing, iteration, and selection with great detail in the explanation.
Testing 1 1 Tests their two different calls with the results of each and nicely explains the conditions of each call and how they were found, with their result.

My Score: 5/6

College Board Score: 4/6

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

  • My grading was very similar to college board, for the most part, however for Managing complexity, I did not see that their list was not essential for their program to function, which is why I gave them an undeserved point. Return statements and strings would give them the same result as making it into a list, so there is really no functionality of it.

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard

  • For managing complexity, Return statements and strings would give them the same result as making it into a list, so there is really no functionality of it, meaning that they would not meet the standard
  • For Program purpose, they do not expain the problem that is being solved from their program.

Sample 2

Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Explains in great detail the purpose and functionality of their program along with the inputs and outputs.
Data Abstraction 1 1 Clearly shows two program segments that stores data in a list and its purpose, and names them.
Managing Complexity 1 1 Uses a very functional list with multiple stored elements, along with a great explaination.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Has two code segments with parameters that are called along with a great explanation of the functionality of the procedure.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Includes a very nice algorithm with sequencing, iteration, and selection along with a very detailed explanation.
Testing 1 1 Provides the two calls with their tested conditions, along with their results that are different.

My Score: 6/6

College Board Score: 6/6

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

  • This one was much easier to grade, because it was a clear 6/6. They were spot on for every requirement and explained/coded everything in absolute detail, so it checked all the boxes.
  • I will save this for reference in the future, however I understand that Mr. Mort expects more from us than that.

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard

  • No failures, this one was great.


What my program will need to fill the requirements?

  • Fulfilling all the college board requirements seems easy enough, since Mr. Mort has held us to an extremely high standard this whole school year, so I ddefinately understand all the requirements of this project and how I can exceed them even further.

How this will help me meet the college board requirements on my own project

  • Completing this assignment gave me a very good runthrough of how the performance task should look like, and I will definitely come back to this post for reference in the near furure when I am working on my own create performance task.


**Sample **

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

  • [] Demonstrates an input, output, and program functionality
  • [] Written Response describes the purpose, functionality, and input/output of the program
  • [] Point?

Row 2: Data Abstraction

  • [] Includes two program segments: 1. that shows how data has been stored in a list. 2. that shows the data in the same list used to fulfill the program purpose
  • [] Identifies the name of the variable representing the list being used
  • [] Describes what data in the list is representing the program
  • [] Point?

Row 3: Managing Complexity

  • [] Includes a code segment that shows a list that manages the complexity of the program
  • [] Explains how this list manages the complexity and explains why the program would work differently or not at all without this list.
  • [] Point?

Row 4: Procedural Abstraction

  • [] Includes two program code segments: 1. showing a student developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect on the procedure. 2. one shows where the procedure is being called
  • [] Describes what this procedure does and how it contributes to the functionality of the program
  • [] Point?

Row 5: Algorithm Implementation

  • [] Includes a program code segment of an algorithm that has sequencing, iteration, and selection
  • [] explains in detail how the algorithm works, with enough detail that someone could recreate it.
  • [] Point?

Row 6: Testing

  • [] Describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3.c Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute.
  • [] Describes the conditions tested by each call to the procedure
  • [] Identifies the result of each call
  • [] Point?
Reporting Category My Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function      
Data Abstraction      
Managing Complexity      
Procedural Abstraction      
Algorithm Implementation      

My Score:

College Board Score:

Discrepencies between my scoring and Collegeboard?

Criteria and why a submision may have failed to meet the standard