Add on to this throughout the Tri

Unfamiliar Vocab We Have Covered in Lessons

  • Managing complexity, algorithms, sequencing, selection, iteration, Booleans, If Elif and Else Conditionals, Nested Conditionals, For and While loops.

Managing Complexity in Lists

  • Assinging lists to one variable rather than a different variable per value. As shown here in this example I coded:


  • A set of instructions that are followed in order to accomplish a task
  • Example of an algorithm below:

Sequencing and Selection

  • Sequencing is the order of how you do something
  • Like the instructions of a teacher and howo you follow them
  • It was 1-5 on the image
  • Selection Allows the algorithm to make a decision based on if a condition is met
    • Go to the gas station if your tank is empty, dont if its full.
  • example of both:


  • A repeating portion of an algorithm that repeats a certain amount of times until a condition is met
  • Example of iteration:

If Elif and Else Conditionals

  • Conditional statements that make decisions for you that excecute based on the given conditions.
  • Example of all 3:

Nested Conditionals

  • Conditional statments within a conditional statement
    • example: an else if inside of another else-if\
    • Can be used for a varying amount of “else if statements.” The first if statement can represent if two coditions are true. The first else if can represent if only one or the other is true. The last else if represents if neither of the conditions are true.
    • Can have three different conditions


For Loops

  • Used for definite loops with a finite number of iterations. Used for when you know exactly the amount of times you want it to repeat.

While Loops

  • Used for loops with an infinite/unknown number of iterations. Runs until a condition is met.