Notes For CSP

Weeks 1 and 2:

  • Markdown posts do not contain code, whereas jupyter notebooks (in the form of a post) will allow us to post the running of code.
  • You can change the logo of your website by replacing the current icon with one of your own.
  • There are numerous forms of loops such as for loops, while loops, recursion, and index.

Terms and Definitions table -

Terms Definitions
Function A group of related statements that perform a specific task
def The command to define a function
Parameter Variables for the values the function needs. Is passed as an argument when the function is called
Variable A way of storing values into the memory of the computer by using specific names that you define
List A “container” that can store any kinds of values
Repository A location where all the files for a particular project are stored
String A series of readable or usable sentences that the user will use
len() Returns the length (the number of items) of an object
return Used to return from a function (break out of the function)

Week 3 Notes

  • Learned how to do basic block coding with Java
  • Utilizing OnEvent command to make an action happen when a specific event occurs
  • Learned the structure of the AP CSP Exam (How to get a 5)
  • The AP Exam create a performance task can be made on any platform
  • Algorithmic sequences are usefull for creating quizzes.

Notes with commands to edit flask site on AWS Instance

  • always in “cd lavflask”
  • git pull
  • sudo docker-compose up –build -d

Git Commands

  • A “git clone” makes a local Git repository
  • A .git directory contains a local database that keeps track of local changes.
  • A “git commit” makes a child snapshot of the original parent on the local database.
  • The .gitignore file tells .git to ignore certain files in directory tree (ie files constructed from source or derived files, like ipynb files that turn into md files).
  • The “git push” command moves files from local system back to cloud server (GitHub).
  • Pull requests is common process used to merge code from isolated Fork back to the primary GitHub repository.
  • A “git rebase” is a common command for Developer on an isolated Git branch to update their environment from the “main” branch.

Computer System and Networks notes

  • The internet
    • a computer system that consits of the world wide web, lcal area network, HTTP, DNS, TCP, UDP, IP.
  • Web servers and browsers use TCP and IP Protocols to connect to the internet
    • HTTP sends requests to a web client to recieve a response from a server in the form of JSON or HTML.
      • Used for communication between a web server and users browser.
    • TCP/IP messages are broken into packets and routed to various destinations including OP routers that take it to the destination or another router.

Meta Data (11/17/22 in class)

  • Data that is about something else
    • Data about data
    • For example the categories about the blog are data about the data (Or metadata)
  • { % % } = Liquid data
    • Front end HTML code
    • Allows you to generate HTML code
      • Can create loops
    • Pre processed or pregenerated HTML code in advance
  • On the CSP exam, counting will start with 1
    • Where does this happen?